Monday, February 14, 2005

Tsukiji Sushi Village

The night of monday, February 14th. Erix and I came to this place called "Tsukiji Sushi Village" in Markam, recommended by KT. At first I thought we'd be dining at the Baton Rouge on Hwy 7. But when I phoned them and tried to reserve two seats for the night, the only time available was 5:00p.m.!!! So, I said forget it then. Luckily, I met KT on msn, and she told me about this new Japanese restaurant, which was in turn recommended by her friends. The place wasn't hard to find. We drove East on Hwy7 until we reached Markham Rd. S. (which is the same as Main St. N.), then made a left turn, heading North. Then you'll see the little old-style community there, the restaurant would be on the left side.

It was a full-house when we arrive at 8:00p.m. Since we didn't have reservation, we waited a bit and got our seats. The deco there was pretty nice. Unlike many Japanese restaurants, it has a cool color tone, a fusion of Eastern and Western style. I especially like the black and white Japanese photos on the wall. The services was pretty good too, compared to many restaurants operated by HK people.

We then ordered several different dishes:
- Crab meat salad
- Tsukiji salad roll (Crab, Avocado, Flying fish egg, Ginger, Shiso wrapped by Cucumber and Mayo)
- Rainbow roll
- 16 pcs sashimi boat (Tuna, Salmon,Snapper, Surf clam)
- Fried Udon with Beef
- Green tea and Red bean ice-cream

The Tsukiji salad roll came first. I ordered it because it is name after the restaurant's name. It was the first time I've tried this kind of roll. With a hint of the preserved ginger, the taste was actually pretty refreshing and appetizing.

Tsukiji salad roll Tsukiji Salad Roll

Then fried udon came. It tastes much better than I expected. The udon was thinner and softer and more "Q" than the normal one you get at the grocery stores. Maybe it was also because I usually don't like udon in soup (one of the few things that I don't like). I really like this fried udon. The taste was good and more authentic compared to many other places. Of course, that would also mean that it'd be kinda salty (as I found Japanese food are pretty salty in general. Not oily, but salty). But since we were sharing the dish, it was okay.

After that, it was the sashimi plate and rainbow roll. The sashimi plate was so-so, fresh but not spectacularly fresh. The rainbow roll tasted pretty good, just that the toppings and the rice were kinda lossen. If they can improve that, it would be even better. The crab meat salad was late, but they did apologize for that. The salad was little, but the taste was good. Actually, it can be made easily at home, just crab meat + cucumber + mayo + fish eggs.

Finally, we finished off with ice-cream. They were just the usual ice-cream you would get at Japanese restaurants. Red bean one was good, just a bit too sweet. There were also other desserts you can choose from. Maybe next time...
Oh yes, the total was around mid-$5o with ice-tea and a complimentary rose for ladies, not including gratuity.

Also checked out the female washroom. It's actually pretty clean and neat.

Address: 58-60 Main St. N., Markham (905-201-6288); i.e. Northwest of Main St. and Hwy 7

[marz] @ 2/14/2005 11:59:00 a.m.


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