Sunday, November 14, 2004 《龍鳳鬥》剛剛看完劉德華與鄭秀文演的《龍鳳鬥》, 覺得意外地好看。也不知道為甚麼... 到最後眼淚掉下來了... 演員很少,故事卻拍得很有感覺,尤其喜歡它的配樂 - 滲透著歐洲的情懷. 好一對特別的夫妻。我想,這樣的結局是最好的了... "猜到跟肯定是有差別的" 9 Comments:# at 11/14/2004 12:10:00 p.m., marz said... This comment has been removed by a blog administrator. # at 11/14/2004 01:47:00 p.m., Kelvin said... Yup, it works now. :) # at 11/14/2004 01:48:00 p.m., Kelvin said... But the layout from the second post forward seems kinda strange... maybe you're missing (or have an extra) ending tag somewhere? :)
# at
11/15/2004 07:43:00 p.m., flo said...
DVD仲未出喎﹐點解你咁快有得睇既?我等到頸都長埋。。。我有隻OST﹐如果你想要O的歌你MSN我啦﹗ # at 11/16/2004 02:39:00 a.m., marz said... Hehe... because of BT, I've downloaded it (bad marz =P) # at 11/16/2004 10:11:00 a.m., Kelvin said... lol, BT rulez! :D Do you watch anime? This is a really good one for anime. # at 11/16/2004 10:39:00 a.m., marz said... Here's the taggie site, take a look: # at 11/16/2004 09:50:00 p.m., flo said... *Gasp* Just kidding. :D Most of my music are downloads (did I just say that out loud), except for my 華仔 which are all 原裝正版 of course. I really can't afford buying so many CDs. But for some reason or other I don't download movies and I rarely watch downloaded movies. Quality obviously is a primary concern. Also, maybe it's because I like buying DVDs, maybe it's because I am wary that downloaded versions may deviate from the original, maybe deep down I enjoy movies more than I enjoy music ... I suppose I can keep on listing reasons. # at 11/18/2004 02:10:00 a.m., Kelvin said... Actually... technically the MP3s that you d/l off the web are inferior in comparison to the original CDs.. Currently, I think the APE format is the only one that enables full quality of the original.. but APE is rarely find, because most mortal ears find it difficult to distinguish the difference between a 320bit encoded MP3 and the original. But I suppose buying the original brings along additional utility for you, then it's worthwhile for you, and there's really no need to come up with excuses. |
remember "The greatest thing you will ever learn in life is to love and be loved in return" ![]() fresh fruits
frozen foods buddies' fridges acwcangela canetton fenke feng fwowa kelvin KK 517 luzia sandra good food on the road 37000 milesadmun c2pid CoCo cosine inn HL More Than One megaijin oslo wonderland 香港仔公國 壹大押 文心 power bar 社評Merriam-Webster Online Toronto Public Library MapQuest ccho 電影網 Sephora PISA Friendster cook's library 廚神之家楊桃文化 家常便飯 Home Cooking 菜欄 中式湯水 HK Recipes Science of Cooking Menu Palace Taste Toronto Kaiseki Yu-zen Hashimoto 360 products farmers' notebook behind the fridge have been thinking of having my own blog page for a long time. since 99, i've been writing, posting, changing my icq info. sometimes, i stopped because i didn't feel like writing. anyhow, here i am again, blogging here instead of on info. hopefully i can keep up because this is a little sketch book of my daily life. maybe, somewhere, somehow, someone might come across this and realize that we are not alone. about marz Chinese born Canadian; grew up in HK. A non-romantic, non-cute pisces w/ water-proof eyes, hammer-proof heart,
and a caffeine-proof mind.
since 10.02.04 |
MARZ ![]() |
[Since Oct 2nd, 2004]