Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Full House Restaurant 彩鳳臺

Back to work.
Today, four of us went out for lunch at the Full House Restaurant (彩鳳臺). It is located in the same plaza as the Saigon Star (i.e. 黃金商場). I guess it has been opened quite a while, but I just thought it would be a Chinese restaurant like Congee Wong. But it is actually a pretty decent Chinese Tea House.

Stepped into this Tea House, you would immediately feel a rush of Gold and Red into your eyes. The big golden framed mirrors on the wall, Chinese lanterns on the ceiling, and golden buddha statues near the entrance together created a vivid image, portraying a typical Chinese restaurant in one of those Hollywood movies.

It was just totally out of my expectation.

The waiters and waitresses there were polite and helpful although they were very busy during lunch hours. We ordered some dim sum, such as baked BBQ pork puff, both fried and steamed veggie/shrimp dumplings, fried stuffed tofu & eggplants, Singapore style stir-fried rice-cake, spring rolls, etc... total of 8-9 dishes. Most of the dim sum are for 3 persons (i.e. 3 pieces/dish) except the rice-cake. The total was $40, 10% gratuity included. The overall taste was very good. But if they can offer a wider selection, it would be excellent!

Since we were in a hurry for a after-lunch meeting, we didn't try a lot of stuffs, but I'm sure I'll go back another time.

FYI: Address of Full House: 328 Hwy 7 E., Unit 25, Richmond Hill; 905-882-1388

[marz] @ 2/15/2005 06:49:00 p.m.


# at 2/15/2005 09:24:00 p.m., Blogger :) said... margaret? is that you?

hi! this is florence! was just browsing around and i found your blog, so just wanna let you know i've dropped by.

i just signed up for this account, but i havent written anything. well! seeing you so diligently updating and telling us what's been going on in your life, makes me wanna start blogging again =P LOL, if it wasnt for your blog, i wouldnt have known that thomas ate a whole bag of chips because he didnt tell me!

anyway, i love the design on your page too. see you around!!  

# at 2/15/2005 11:15:00 p.m., Blogger marz said... Hi Florence!!!
Yea this is me, Margaret. Yeah... I've been blogging and sharing my experiences with friends (old buddies and also those I don't know in person). It has been very fun actually. Maybe we don't have time to meet up w/ each other very often, but through this little blog page, you kinda know what's up w/ me lately.
I did bookmark you blog page before, but didn't see you updating it after the first few posts... =P

Oh yea! poor Thomas! (actually he just ate around half a bag =P coz we ate a lot before. After he finished those chips, he was so motivated not to lose the game.)

Yup! I'll see you around!  

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    Chinese born Canadian; grew up in HK. A non-romantic, non-cute pisces w/ water-proof eyes, hammer-proof heart, and a caffeine-proof mind.

    since 10.02.04

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