Tuesday, March 08, 2005 紅絲帶紅絲帶 (Red Ribbon - a song by Kelly Chen)每次我收到每份精美禮物時 我也會深感慶幸兼有份歉意 誰人在全世界慶祝之時 在戰火中逃亡等天處置 但我卻正與你 佈置派對營造細雪降下時 我已有禮物 他有嗎 當我要喝便有茶 不快樂嗎 怎麼我尚要挑剔今年的煙花 誰在肚餓 誰在街邊執紙箱起破陋的家 拆開紅絲帶仍念掛 哪個有禮物給予他 若然我快樂有餘可轉贈嗎 若與他分享更歡樂嗎 每次與知己暢聚小菜晚飯時 我會當一種禮物天厚待賦與 同時在遙遠處有許多人 垃圾堆中流連饑荒處處 但我卻正與你 吃喝說笑然後跳進了泳池 個個有禮物 他有嗎 休假約約下午茶 不快樂嗎 出年我或會披起珍珠色婚紗 其實每日無盡禮物多出的經已能幫他 結起紅絲帶提自己 共他分可以嗎 3 Comments:
# at
3/08/2005 12:20:00 p.m., Indy said...
我是看到你的留言, 特來回覆的. 順便來參觀一下, 見到很多post用英文, 還好,我有dr.eye. hehe~~ # at 3/09/2005 02:16:00 a.m., Indy said... 不會吧~ 連blogspirit也封鎖了! 天啊! # at 3/09/2005 12:51:00 p.m., marz said... 天啊。太過份了。 |
remember "The greatest thing you will ever learn in life is to love and be loved in return" ![]() fresh fruits
frozen foods buddies' fridges acwcangela canetton fenke feng fwowa kelvin KK 517 luzia sandra good food on the road 37000 milesadmun c2pid CoCo cosine inn HL More Than One megaijin oslo wonderland 香港仔公國 壹大押 文心 power bar 社評Merriam-Webster Online Toronto Public Library MapQuest ccho 電影網 Sephora PISA Friendster cook's library 廚神之家楊桃文化 家常便飯 Home Cooking 菜欄 中式湯水 HK Recipes Science of Cooking Menu Palace Taste Toronto Kaiseki Yu-zen Hashimoto 360 products farmers' notebook behind the fridge have been thinking of having my own blog page for a long time. since 99, i've been writing, posting, changing my icq info. sometimes, i stopped because i didn't feel like writing. anyhow, here i am again, blogging here instead of on info. hopefully i can keep up because this is a little sketch book of my daily life. maybe, somewhere, somehow, someone might come across this and realize that we are not alone. about marz Chinese born Canadian; grew up in HK. A non-romantic, non-cute pisces w/ water-proof eyes, hammer-proof heart,
and a caffeine-proof mind.
since 10.02.04 |
MARZ ![]() |
[Since Oct 2nd, 2004]