Sunday, February 27, 2005 豆漿油條於2004年06月推出的一張專輯:林俊傑的《第二天堂》。當時看到它,並沒有想要聽它的衝動,但大半年後的今天偶然聽到它才發覺很不錯。《第二天堂》裡的江南相信很朵多人已耳熟能詳;另一首歌豆漿油條也很可愛的喔! 喝純白的豆漿 是純白的浪漫 望著你可愛臉蛋 和你純真的模樣 我傻傻對你笑 是你憂愁解藥 你說我就像油條 很簡單卻很美好 我知道你和我 就像是豆漿油條 要一起吃下去 味道才會是最好 你需要我的傻笑 我需要你的擁抱 愛情就是要這樣 它才不會淡掉 我知道 有時候也需要吵吵鬧鬧 但始終 也知道 只有你對我最好 豆漿離不開油條 讓我愛你愛到老 愛情就是要這樣 它才幸福美好 我知道 都知道 你知道 你都知道 好不好 別偷笑 笑 讓我知道(就好) 我喝完熱豆漿 卻念著還想要 你吃完金黃油條 愛情又要再發酵 1 Comments:# at 2/28/2005 02:33:00 a.m., marz said... 以前我在荃灣轉車時也會到附近的上海館子吃東西,但可能不是你講的那一家。又想到在元朗大棠道小巴站附近的一家士多門口,曾經有一個老伯伯賣新鮮做的砵仔糕。在冬天的時候,那真的是超棒的!捧在手裡,暖暖的。大概到九零年代初,他就不見了。 |
remember "The greatest thing you will ever learn in life is to love and be loved in return" ![]() fresh fruits
frozen foods buddies' fridges acwcangela canetton fenke feng fwowa kelvin KK 517 luzia sandra good food on the road 37000 milesadmun c2pid CoCo cosine inn HL More Than One megaijin oslo wonderland 香港仔公國 壹大押 文心 power bar 社評Merriam-Webster Online Toronto Public Library MapQuest ccho 電影網 Sephora PISA Friendster cook's library 廚神之家楊桃文化 家常便飯 Home Cooking 菜欄 中式湯水 HK Recipes Science of Cooking Menu Palace Taste Toronto Kaiseki Yu-zen Hashimoto 360 products farmers' notebook behind the fridge have been thinking of having my own blog page for a long time. since 99, i've been writing, posting, changing my icq info. sometimes, i stopped because i didn't feel like writing. anyhow, here i am again, blogging here instead of on info. hopefully i can keep up because this is a little sketch book of my daily life. maybe, somewhere, somehow, someone might come across this and realize that we are not alone. about marz Chinese born Canadian; grew up in HK. A non-romantic, non-cute pisces w/ water-proof eyes, hammer-proof heart,
and a caffeine-proof mind.
since 10.02.04 |
MARZ ![]() |
[Since Oct 2nd, 2004]