Saturday, April 30, 2005 最近忙乜? (Whatz up?)最近忙乜?好忙,兼好黑仔。 可以出錯的地方會出錯, 無理由出錯的地方都出錯。 時運低,只好事事小心, 多休息,打醒十二分精神。 有眼可見。 以前的 GREYish MARZ 版面已經不在。 換來的是這個新“ mk 格子?版面。 找到上年到山東旅行時影的相, 剛好用來做版面相。 從一開始 Blog 以來, 打中文的時候,都會用國語來打。 用國語讀起來好順暢, 但用廣東話讀起來就好似怪怪咁。 今日心血來潮,用廣東話的詞彙來 blog。 好似親切好多。 呢幾年來,我的國語大有進步, 當然有賴我的國語男友。 但同時,每日唔係講國語,就係講英文; 唔係聽國語歌,就係聽英文歌。 (當然,亦因為廣東歌的水準不太高) 依家好似又係無一個語言講得好。 連廣東話都退步。死未? Download ?好多歌。 有蔡依林的《野蠻游戲》、 楊千嬅的《Single》、 薛凱琪的《Funny Girl》、 王啟文的《老鼠愛大米》、 徐若萱的《狠狠愛》、 F.I.R.的《無限》等等. (支持正版的人一定會杯葛我)。 未有時間認真聽,隨便聽聽好似仲未有驚喜之作。 F.I.R. 的 Love x 3有點似MISIA Love is the Message裡的歌。 4 Comments:# at 5/01/2005 10:39:00 p.m., marz said... I downloaded some of them via BT, some of them from, where I used my friend's membership...
# at
5/02/2005 08:05:00 a.m., marz said...
是啊!Greyish Marz 已改名了。 # at 5/02/2005 12:09:00 p.m., said... I notice the new name of the website and the mass of Chinese logs that followed. I couldn't read at all what you wrote. Could it be that you're gonna stop posting in English? I really hope not!
# at
5/02/2005 04:24:00 p.m., marz said...
Hi Rick, Thanks for dropping by! And sorry that I scared you =P I know, sometimes I'd post something in Chinese (and I know I'm doing it more recently). |
remember "The greatest thing you will ever learn in life is to love and be loved in return" ![]() fresh fruits
frozen foods buddies' fridges acwcangela canetton fenke feng fwowa kelvin KK 517 luzia sandra good food on the road 37000 milesadmun c2pid CoCo cosine inn HL More Than One megaijin oslo wonderland 香港仔公國 壹大押 文心 power bar 社評Merriam-Webster Online Toronto Public Library MapQuest ccho 電影網 Sephora PISA Friendster cook's library 廚神之家楊桃文化 家常便飯 Home Cooking 菜欄 中式湯水 HK Recipes Science of Cooking Menu Palace Taste Toronto Kaiseki Yu-zen Hashimoto 360 products farmers' notebook behind the fridge have been thinking of having my own blog page for a long time. since 99, i've been writing, posting, changing my icq info. sometimes, i stopped because i didn't feel like writing. anyhow, here i am again, blogging here instead of on info. hopefully i can keep up because this is a little sketch book of my daily life. maybe, somewhere, somehow, someone might come across this and realize that we are not alone. about marz Chinese born Canadian; grew up in HK. A non-romantic, non-cute pisces w/ water-proof eyes, hammer-proof heart,
and a caffeine-proof mind.
since 10.02.04 |
MARZ ![]() |
[Since Oct 2nd, 2004]