Thursday, November 25, 2004 Oisi OysterYesterday nite, Erix and I went to a Japanese restaurant on Mt. Pleasant, called Oisi Oyster. Well, the reasons why we went there was that I have seen this restaurant many times being ranked as one of the top 3 in the Best Japanese catagory in the Best of T.O. poll "+" There're lots of good reviews on this restaurant regarding the freshness of its food. "+" Recently, we've been seeing this restaurant again and again while driving on Mt. Pleasant.The first impression of this restaurant wasn't a really nice one because of the neon lights at the front entrance. But we're gonna try it anyway... you never know if its good unless you go in and explore! Maybe you'll find something good... then you'll feel like an adventurer just discovered a hidden treasure. That feeling is really good. At around 7 p.m., we stepped into Oisi Oyster. The first feeling was that... this restauarant is for westerners. The deco was Japanese (w/ all the rice-paper lanterns and pictures hanging there), but the whole atmosphere was kinda different from other Japanese restaurants that I've been to. It was a dark place w/ a sushi bar and quite a lot of tables (which can probably seat 70 ppl). We ordered a Assorted Sashimi (w/ around 6 kinds of seafood and 18-20 pieces all together), a Spicy Tuna Maki, and a Katsu Don. To start the dinner, the waitress (I believe is the old lady of the restaurant) gave us a dish of Fried Tofu as appetizer, which tasted OK. Then, the Katsu Don came. The pork cutlet was a bit too dry (over-fried), the Sashimi looked and tasted okay (not really as FRESH as expected, the Spicy Tuna Maki was kinda small. I could taste its spiciness, but Erix found it not spicy at all. The end of the dinner, the lady gave us Green tea ice-cream and deep-fried banana as dessert (on the house), which were pretty good. The overall experience; I'll give it a 65 out of 100. Included 5 bonus marks for the service. (The lady knows how to deal w/ westerners... maybe that's one of the reasons why this restaurant has been there for 10 yrs and became the neighbourhood favourite.) Oh yes, here's the approx. price incl. softdrink & tax, excl. gratuity: $40. Note: There's free underground parking. (BUT at night, it was kinda hard to find our way to the restaurant through the parking lot) 0 Comments: |
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and a caffeine-proof mind.
since 10.02.04 |
[Since Oct 2nd, 2004]